Marcont Structures is committed to
Our contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals
In 2015, the members of the United Nations agency defined 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). A universal reference that reflects the importance of the challenges facing the planet: fighting global warming, combating poverty and building a more sustainable and global world by 2030. Like states and citizens, businesses are invited to participate in maintaining the agenda. Marcont Structures has made ambitious efforts in CSR, so we decided to identify the most influential SDGs.

Responsible Consumption and Production:
Marcont Structures is a responsible company towards all stakeholders, especially our mother nature, and to keep life on earth for us and future generations, we are committed to producing sustainable and responsible poles and lampposts using controlled energy in a responsible manner.
Decent Work and Economic Growth:
Marcont Structures is committed on a daily basis to making its workplace a place of productivity, respect for human and labor rights, cross-cultural exchange, and active interaction among employees to create and maintain a sense of integrity and belonging, not only for a successful company but also for a warm and welcoming family.
Marcont Structures est une famille grande, agréable, et accueillante, notre département Capital Humain et Intellectuel, (Human & Intellectuel Capital Department) accueille les nouveaux talents après un processus étroit et fin de sélection, pour joindre à notre famille, parce que chez Marcont Structures, nous priorisons l’inclusion humaine et la synergie.
The raw material used by Marcont Structures comes from suppliers who respect the Marcont Structures purchasing charter for the respect of human rights, labor rights, the environment and uses clean technology and green energy because we treat our suppliers as our partners.
For us the lamp post and the pole is a result of hard work, an architectural creation, sublimity, pride, teamwork, a goal of every day, because we contribute to the design of urban spaces with a hope to illuminate the way a citizen during his way back to his family in the evening, a clear and safe way and for a worker who goes early to work at dawn in all serenity.

Affordable and clean energy:
Goal 7 has seen progress in its achievement, with several encouraging signs suggesting that energy is more accessible and sustainable. Access to electricity in developing countries is increasing, energy efficiency is improving, and renewable energy is making good progress in the power sector.
Marcont Structures is a manufacturer of street lighting, telecommunication and power transmission poles and columns, responsible and takes into consideration the crisis caused by energy from non-renewable sources, and exploits the sustainable, green, and clean way by basing the consumption of our production units on renewable energy, specifically solar energy to produce a clean, green pole, with Zero emission and Zero impact on the environment, a nature friendly pole.
In this sense, Marcont Structures is closely aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, in this energy chapter with Goal 7 which is to ensure access for all to reliable, sustainable and modern energy services at an affordable cost.
Clean water and sanitation:
Marcont Structures is a manufacturer of poles and columns for public lighting, telecommunication and power transmission. Marcont Structures is taking into consideration the water scarcity and joining the efforts of the United Nations. While substantial progress has been made in increasing water and sanitation services, hundreds of millions of people, mainly in rural areas, still lack access to these basic services.
By 2030, provide universal and equitable access to affordable drinking water.
By 2030, ensure equitable access to adequate sanitation and hygiene services for all and end open defecation, with particular attention to the needs of women and girls and people in vulnerable situations. In doing so, Marcont Structures has committed its staff to respecting the use of water by posting signs in sanitary areas to be responsible for the use of sanitary areas.
One in three people in the world do not have access to safe drinking water, and two in five people do not have a basic facility for washing their hands with soap and water. This is in line with Sustainable Development Goal 6, which is to ensure access to sustainably managed water and sanitation services for all.

Gender equality:
Marcont Structures treats its employees as a family where members are treated fairly, compensated according to experience and responsibility, and rewarded according to performance.
Marcont Structures is a company that treats its employees like a family where members are treated fairly, compensated according to experience and responsibility, and rewarded according to performance, regardless of gender or background.
Our company is rich in female potential and talent, because we deeply believe in the female creativity, competence and discipline of our employees. With them we have overcome crises, with them we have been able to face the impossible, with them we advance every day.
Sustainable Cities and Communities:
Marcont Structures, a company that aims to make Morocco an international reference in public lighting, which illuminates the night world so that citizens live in peace and tourists enjoy their travels and destinations by night as well as day.
With us, the future is certain, certain to achieve new records, and to accompany new cities in their urbanization strategies based on the concept of the smart city, a concept that does not cease to innovate, where the “Research and Development” teams continue to bring new ideas, modern concepts, tailor-made solutions for the challenges of each day.
Marcont Structures is confident in its skills, teams and achievements to build a better future for urban spaces, Morocco, the African continent and the world.