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Marcont Structures certified: ISO:9001:2015
The certification granted to MARCONT for its quality management system according to the ISO 9001 version 2015 standard is an undeniable vector of progress. It attests to its commitment to quality and allows to measure its progress in the continuous improvement of its performance. The international standard is only awarded to companies that have demonstrated continuous motivation to satisfy customers, adopt irreproachable work disciplines and honor the highest requirements of quality management, just like MARCONT.

Marcont Structures certified: ISO 14001:2015
Marcont Structures is pleased to announce that it has received ISO 14001 certification, which confirms its quest for quality, continuous improvement and environmental responsibility.
This International Organization for Standardization (ISO) certification recognizes the company’s commitment to managing the environmental impact of its operations through measurable objectives such as waste disposal methods and further reduction of its energy consumption.
Other important objectives are to minimize the use of resources by processing environmentally friendly and recyclable materials that are not harmful to health, and to use water, electricity and raw materials sparingly.

Marcont Structures certified: ISO 45000:2015
Marcont Structures has achieved ISO 45001 certification, the leading international standard for occupational health and safety management systems. Designed to help organizations of all sizes and sectors create a safe working environment for their employees, ISO 45001 has been proven to reduce occupational injuries and illnesses worldwide.
By introducing a systematic approach to risk management, a clear division of health and safety responsibilities between service lines and, most importantly, the active participation of staff and managers in continuous improvement, ISO 45001 provides Marcont Structures with the essential tools and framework to build a shared safety culture that can thrive and grow with our people.

Marcont Structures certifiée: Normes Marocaines (NM)
This is an acknowledgement by IMANOR that our product is manufactured in accordance with specific characteristics previously established in the standards that govern it.
This certification is managed in accordance with the international standard ISO/CEI 17065 and results in the right to use the NM mark, which is affixed to our certified products. This mark provides indisputable proof that our products meet the exact requirements and rigorous quality and safety characteristics defined in the certification standards.

Marcont Structures certified: AENOR CE 0099
Compliance with the EN40 series of European standards: All of our steel lighting columns subject to the field of application are designed and manufactured in accordance with the requirements of the EN40 series of standards.
Our certificates have been issued by the Spanish organization AENOR